DLK Rentals

The leader in UW-Whitewater student rentals
Due to software transition, online payments will be suspended beginning March 15 until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Parking FAQ

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Tenants who pay using our electronic system or send a payment by mail for parking are still required to place a parking permit on the registered vehicle. Permits can be retrieved each semester from the DLK Office at 144 N. Tratt Street (Office will be relocating to 120 N. Fraternity Lane for the 2025-2026 academic year). Tenants will need photo identification for permit pick-up. Permits must be placed on the front windshield of the vehicle on the passenger side. DLK is not responsible for lost or stolen permits or permits not retrieved from the office. Permits must be retrieved on or before the rent due date for the semester.

Please note that while we collect vehicle information, it is only to verify any potentially false permits against the information provided. You are STILL required to have your permit on your vehicle at all times.

If you need to park in a lot but do not have a permanent semester permit, you will need to obtain a temporary permit. These permits are $10/overnight or $15/week. Both of these permits are available at our office. One-week permits are additionally available at the BP convenience store at 1138 W. Main St. in Whitewater. Read ALL below information before purchasing and using a temporary permit.

During the summer (6/1/2025-8/26/2025), temporary parking permits are valid in ALL DLK parking lots. Remember to observe all state and local laws in the parking lots, such as disabled parking and fire lane restrictions.

During the academic year (8/27/2025-5/17/2026), temporary parking permits are valid only in specific locations. They are as follows:

  • University Inn - 309, 319, 329, 347, 355, 365 N. Tratt Street, located along Harmony Lane and at the rear of 355 N. Tratt Street. (Remember NOT to park behind 127 S. Harmony Lane.)
  • Cambridge Apartments - 375 N. Harmony Lane (Located at the rear of the building)
  • You may ONLY park in other DLK Locations during the academic year with express, written permission of the DLK Office Staff. Your parking permit MUST be signed by DLK staff with the additional location.
  • Permits obtained at the satellite permit location (BP—1138 W. Main St.) are NOT valid at any location other than the aforementioned University Inn and Cambridge Apartments)

No, your parking permit is valid ONLY in the lot for which it is issued. Permits are alphabetically-coded for the lot for which they are valid. If you have ANY questions about which specific lot your permit applies to, please ask the office staff for assistance with a map of the location. Please note Simon Suites residents are often assigned to overflow parking lots and should be especially careful about which lot they are parking in. Parking in any other location other than the one to which you are assigned may result in towing.

Any vehicle parked in ANY DLK lot without the appropriate, non-expired, and properly-adhered permit may be towed at owner’s expense. DLK is not responsible for failure to abide by parking regulations in accordance with your lease or for further communication outside your lease contract regarding parking requirements.

You should consult your lease for this information. Parking permits are included with rent in some locations while others do require an additional $120.00 fee. Where parking is included, residents are STILL REQUIRED to retrieve and properly adhere a parking permit to the vehicle EACH SEMESTER. Please note this inclusion does not mean the permits are free nor that guests are allowed to use the parking location without a parking permit. Those without permits are still subject to towing at owner’s expense.

Where parking is included or paid, residents will only be allowed ONE permit per person. Please note in some locations parking is limited and sold first-come, first-serve. When the parking lot has sold out or filled, residents will utilize our overflow lot for that location. Please contact our office for more information.

Please note if parking is included OR paid, rent must be paid in FULL before you are able to retrieve a permit or have one reserved for you.

How do I report vehicles for towing or retrieve a vehicle that has been towed?

Please contact On-Time Towing for any towing needs in a DLK parking lot at 262-731-2908.

If you switch vehicles during the semester, you are responsible for removing and re-adhering the permit to the new vehicle and reporting new vehicle information. If you have trouble re-adhering the permit, you must bring the permit to the DLK office for replacement. The sticker will NOT be replaced if it is not returned to the office. Permits will NOT be replaced with a receipt.

If you have any additional questions regarding DLK parking, you may reach the DLK Office from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and 9am-12pm Saturday. Please note we are closed on Sunday.